Streets Of The World

Exploring unity through shared humanity in a still photography format.

Jeromy Laux:
Streets Of The World

Photography Exhibition / 2020

Photographer: Jeromy Laux
Producer: Jeromy Laux
Host: Jeromy Laux
Coordinator: Karynn Streator
Venue: 400 W Rich
Assistant Editor: Raegan McCormack

Visit The Official Website


The photos within this exhibition invite the viewer to take an objective look at cultures from all over the world, and were gathered over five years of walking the streets of 9 countries and 14 cities.

Every human has a story worth hearing - regardless of their race, status, wealth or origin, and this exhibition shines a light on our shared humanity while reminding us that it is what unifies us all. Shot entirely in black and white, it renders the vastly-different portraits cohesive - stripping away color as a signifier, while reducing each image to it's most important element: a raw depiction of a human - just like the viewer. Learn more (and purchase prints) at the official site, here.

The Exhibition

Shot in 9 countries, 14 cities and over 5 years.


“Jeromy’s love for the world, its people, and their personalities is clearly communicated in his dynamic images.”

— Nick Fancher, Editorial, Music, and Commercial Photographer